student visa

Obtaining a Student Visa for France

Over the summer I gave a series of webinars on moving to France (recordings available on Nomadic Matt’s Patreon).  One of the strategies I suggested for coming to France in the short term (given that some visa windows were indefinitely closed) was the student visa.  A “student” visa doesn’t necessarily mean getting enrolled in a degree-seeking program.  It just means any course of study.  France continued to rubber stamp these all throughout 2020, despite the fact that many of the programs were online, meaning that even though you didn’t have to physically come to France to “take” the course, France still approved you for transit.  I concluded that France wanted to continue to signal that they were making a conscious choice to at least appear to allow education to continue even as they forbade commerce and leisure travel.

One of my friends and colleagues in my years here in France, Molli Sébrier, has gone through the student visa process twice and I asked her to write a guest post on the process.  She also does consulting on the process, so her information is at the bottom of the post should you wish to learn more. – SH.

The first time I ever stepped foot in France was as a student in 2012. I was there to do the elusive “study abroad semester,” which has a reputation of being more about soaking in the culture of wherever you go rather than taking classes. Spoiler alert, the rumors are true. Although I will say I attended most of my classes, they were nothing compared to the workload I was used to at my university. I had an architecture course in which the professor actually took us around Paris to explain treasures like Notre Dame and Les Invalides. Interesting? Extremely. Do I remember everything about the architecture I learned about? Seeing as we didn’t have any exams, no. 

In addition to 2012 being the first time that I stepped foot in France, it was the first time that I had ever left the United States. I never really considered myself a homebody or uninterested in travel, but an international trip was just not on my radar at the time. I didn’t even have a passport. 

Fast-forward to 2020, and in total, I have about seven years of French living under my belt, three student visas, one au pair visa (when that still existed), and one that allowed me to stay for a year after my master’s degree. Now, I’m on a visa I have courtesy of my French fiancé. I’ll soon find out what the newest chapter in my immigration journey, marriage, will be like. 

Whether you’re in the same situation as I was in 2012, or you have a bit more international travel experience, navigating the world of French bureaucracy can be intimidating. This is the country that is known around the world for its “red tape.” And, to be honest with you, it is a lot to figure out especially if you don’t speak French or have never applied for a visa before. 

In these unpredictable Covid times, the easiest (and most plausible unless you are in a relationship with a French person) way to move to France as an American for more than 90 days is through a student visa. Don’t let the word “student” scare you, especially if you’re not a teenager or in your twenties anymore. You could take a French language course, a culinary program, or simply shoot for another degree…for 1/10th of the price of American schools.

In an effort to help those interested navigate these sometimes murky waters, I’ve come up with this basic guide to obtaining a French student visa. 

Step 1: Determine your program

The most important thing you’ll need to do before you get started on the path to obtaining a French student visa is to find a program. It’s important to note that not all programs will make you eligible for a visa. You will need to be enrolled in classes that are between 18-20 hours per week or more. Here are a few examples of the types of programs you should be looking for:

  • A study abroad or exchange program (if you are currently enrolled in a college or university this is your best option)
  • A degree-granting program 
  • French language program (please note that the program must be FLE accredited)
  • A specialized school in France

You must be accepted into the program of your choice before you move on to Step 2. And, remember, don’t get discouraged if you don’t want to take French classes or go back to college. As mentioned, if you love to cook or are interested in wine, there are several options. Does the famous Le Cordon Bleu, ring any bells? Channel your inner Julia Child and check out their options. 

You won’t be able to apply for your student visa until at most 3 months before your program starts, so keep that in mind as you continue on through the process. 

Step 2: Apply through Études en France and Campus France

Once you’ve been accepted into your program, you’re ready to start the process of applying for your student visa. First, you’ll need to make an account on Études en France, a platform that was created by the French government to make applying for a visa easier. 

Once you create your account you’ll have to follow the instructions on the site. It involves knowing the name of your program and finding it on a list, entering your personal information including your name and passport number, and other administrative information. There is an option for “students not yet accepted,” but I do recommend that you wait until you have been accepted to begin the process as it’s much easier. 

Études en France and Campus France are connected so after you’ve filled in all of your information, you’ll be able to directly submit it to Campus France via the Études en France platform. You will also have to pay a fee of $190 (subject to change) to Campus France. It can take up to 3 weeks for Campus France to review your application. You will receive a confirmation email if and when you are approved.

Step 3: Apply for a student visa via the France-Visas platform

Once your application has been approved by Études en France and Campus France, you will move to the next platform, France-Visas. You already know that you need a student visa, so feel free to skip the “Do I need a visa?” step. Create your account and fill out the application form. Here you’ll note that “Visa applications cannot be submitted more than 3 months prior to the start of your trip for a long stay visa, and 6 months for a short stay visa” as I mentioned. Please also note that you will need to pay another fee of $37.15 (subject to change) when you’ve finished filling out your application.

Step 4: Make an appointment at the VFS Global Center closest to your home

After you’ve submitted your application on France-Visas, you’ll be able to directly book an appointment at the VFS Global Center closest to your home. It’s recommended on the site that you make your appointment at least 15 days before the date of your departure. In my experience, the longest I’ve had to wait to receive my visa was 7 days, but, I was also in Boston.  Your consulate’s waiting time may vary.

Step 5: Go to the appointment and then wait to receive your visa

You’ve made it this far and for that, I congratulate you! But, you’re not out of the woods yet, as you still need to attend your in-person appointment where you’ll need to present a fair amount of paperwork in order to obtain your visa. You will need:

  • France-Visas Visa application form
  • France-Visas receipt of payment
  • ID Photograph (please note that this needs to be a “European-size passport-style headshot” which is 1.4 inches by 1.8 inches)
  • If you are a non-U.S. citizen, proof of your legal status in the U.S.
  • Passport
  • Campus France USA confirmation email
  • Études en France electronic acceptance letter
  • Proof of accommodation in France (this can be an Airbnb or hotel while you look for something more permanent)
  • Proof of sufficient funds for your time in France

Pro tip? Bring at least 3 copies of everything. It’s a lot, I know. But you’ll have to get used it this amount of paperwork if you’re going to be living in France. At your appointment, they’ll ask you pretty standard questions such as why you want to move to France, why you chose your program, etc. Try not to be too nervous and just be honest.

Step 6: Begin preparing for your trip to France!

Now for the fun part: preparing for your long-awaited new life in France. Consider where you want to live, what you want to bring along, and your new daily routine. The road to the French student visa may be long, but it isn’t as complicated as it looks! 

Molli offers private consultation services which range from help with visas and adjusting to life abroad to Paris travel itineraries. Fill out the contact form to learn more.

Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

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20 thoughts on “Obtaining a Student Visa for France

  1. Hello,

    Thank you for sharing this, it’s really thrilling to see that there are bloggers who are aware that there is the option to study in France especially since schools in France are 50% cheaper than the US and have joined the bandwagon of encouraging international students by conducting most courses in English such as HEC Paris etc… I mostly see advice and articles about moving as a partner or just as an expat and little about students, which is quite interesting since many red tape issues can be made easier by being a student, no? Not to mention the cheaper cost of education and the opportunity to be there without needing to have a job. Not to say you wont be exclusive to the lack of customer service treatment but if the school offers housing for example, that paperwork is resolved…

    So happy that your blogs are also recent. Thank you for sharing frequently. I am a person who just got accepted into an MBA program in France for fall 2021 and I am preparing by reading about what to expect. I am a person who has gone through immigration stuff within the US by also being a citizen of an African country and am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst…I’ve already began collecting my documents to open a bank account in France…However, I hope there will also be more writing about what it’s like being a student as well as a minority in France, which I think will be my biggest obstacle, that I am trying to prepare for in a country that doesn’t have formal affirmative action laws.

    • Hi Lillian,

      Thanks for reading, and I’m glad this article has proved useful! Best of luck to you in your MBA program. Make sure you watch this space in case we publish any articles about the student experience in France!

  2. Pingback: An Introduction to CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales) | The American in Paris

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  4. Pingback: How to Become an Au Pair in France | The American in Paris

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  7. Pingback: How to Get a French Long Term Stay Visitor Visa Part I: Learning to Love Bureaucracy | The American in Paris

  8. Pingback: How to Renew Your French Long-Term Stay Visitor Visa | The American in Paris

  9. Pingback: We Wrote a Book, Part II: Publishing | The American in Paris

  10. Hi, Molli. I realize your blog may be a couple years old, but I did have a question regarding student visa.

    1). Does the French language program have to be a year long in order to qualify for long term student visa? Most I’m seeing are just over 12 weeks. If I were to apply to a 16 week language course, is it OK that I technically would not be a “student” for the remainder of the year?

    • Hi Melissa! Thanks for reading. You’ll have to find a program that runs for an entire year – meaning at least two semesters that are at least 12 weeks long. I hope this answers your question! If not I am available for consultations. Please reach out via to set something up.

      • Ugh. My visa appointment is Wednesday and my language course is only 4 months long. I have written a letter stating my intentions to apply for a master’s degree once applications open again, October 1, 2023. I have applied for a long stay student visa. Do you think there is any chance I will receive a non-temporary student visa (one that I could renew as a resident permit) in order to stay for a full year?

        • Hi Kathy, thanks for reading! As mentioned, in order to obtain the student visa, you’re required to be enrolled in a program that runs for an entire year: two semesters that are at least 12 weeks long. I hope this helps!

  11. Hi Molli,

    This information is extremely helpful! I will be applying for a student visa soon taking French courses. Just to confirm to receive a student visa for this it has to be at a FLE verified org or center. Is it normal to pay a couple thousand for the year courses in France? I am looking in Marseille if you have any recommendations or advice. Thanks!

    • Hi Kyleigh, thanks for reading! Yes, in order to receive the student visa the school/center/organization must be FLE accredited. I think the prices have gone up substantially since I was a student, and I have heard that they are a few thousand. I don’t have any specific recommendations for Marseille, but I do know they have several programs there. I hope this helps!

  12. Hello Molli,

    I am American. I came to France last week on a tourist visa. I would like to stay and study. Will I have to leave France before I can stay. I also would like too work here too? Can I study online with a US program and still get a student visa or does it has to be a French school? I also want to learn French too.

    • Hi Sandra, thanks for reading! Yes, you’re correct you must go back to the US to apply for your student visa from there. Yes, you can work for any French company part-time when you are a student. You can not obtain a student visa for France for an online, US program. However, nothing is stopping you from doing a visa-granting French as a foreign language program to get the student visa (more info on that here) and then continuing to study online with your US school. I hope this helps!

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