Note from the editor: Writer Susan Jordan is an American who has been living on her own in Europe since she left the US in 2012. She has lived in France since 2019 and is currently working on her 10-year … Continue reading
Author: Guest Writer
US Taxes for Americans Living in France
Note from the editor: One of our most asked questions here at TAIP is: how do I file my taxes as an American expat in France? Do you have any accountant recommendations? As such, I’ve made it a goal to come … Continue reading
A Weekend Guide to Nice, Monaco, and Cannes
Note from the editor: Toby Patrick is a freelance writer, currently interning with a Design Agency in Manchester, who has a love for traveling and writing. He has a love for traveling and writing and in this article talks about how to … Continue reading
Paris and its Bridges: A Story
Note from the editor: While not an American in Paris, guest writer and photographer Tayeb Bouzid lives in the French capital and is part of the Paris Greeters, which offers free tours of Paris in English and other languages. After … Continue reading
48 Hours in Perpignan
Note from the editor: Toby Patrick is a freelance writer, currently interning with a Design Agency in Manchester, who has a love for traveling and writing. In this article, he writes about one of his favorite places and future retirement … Continue reading
Bank Accounts, Taxes, and New Legislation: a Quick Guide for the American Expat in France
Note from the editor: In this special guest post, Robert Levitt, a French licensed investment advisor at Levitt Capital Management, a tax and investment advisory firm established to work with US citizens in France and throughout Europe, shares news of … Continue reading
Focus on Real Estate Loans for Expatriates / Non-Residents in France
Continuing with our theme of investing/putting down roots in France is this guest post about how mortgages here work. -Ed. An essential financing tool for any real estate project, your loan can be structured in different ways, including: The “fixed-rate … Continue reading
Investment Options for Americans Living in France
This article by Cedric Bernier of Harrison Brook takes a look at what you should know about when investing in France. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about cross-border financial advice for Americans living in … Continue reading
How I Got A Job In France (And How You Can Too)
Do you remember the quote from Alice in Wonderland that goes: Door: “Why, it’s simply impassible! Alice: Why, don’t you mean impossible? Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing’s impossible!” Keep this in mind if landing a French work … Continue reading
An Introduction to CAF (Caisses d’Allocations Familiales)
A friend of a friend told me that Shelby would be studying in Paris some time ago and we met and took a walk around Paris and hit it off. She ended up doing some work for me as well … Continue reading