Note from the editor: Writer Susan Jordan is an American who has been living on her own in Europe since she left the US in 2012. She has lived in France since 2019 and is currently working on her 10-year … Continue reading
living abroad
An Expat Discussion of Study Abroad Experiences
Editor’s Note: In these articles, Molli Sébrier (MS) & Gracie Bialecki (GB) discuss their study abroad experiences, particularly in the light of later on becoming Paris residents. MS: I was never someone who imagined herself in a foreign country. But, … Continue reading
The Path to French Citizenship Begins, or “Visitor No More”
I saw her place the green and white paper on top of my file. It was the paper used to print a récipissé (the temporary document one uses for identification while waiting to get a permanent identity card). Externally I … Continue reading
Taxes and Wise
I recently had the opportunity to meet with one of the readers of the blog over lunch. We discussed some of his strategies for staying in France but since he had just recently arrived I asked him to check with … Continue reading
You Can(‘t) Go Home Again
“What do you miss the most?” My friends smile, anticipating a favorite dish, a favorite place, or a particular time of year. “Well, you guys, of course,” I say quickly, hoping to deflect the question from my true answer: “Nothing.” … Continue reading
A Trip to the Police Station
I apologize for the very long break from the blog. It was an amazing summer — my second spent working in the spectacular beauty of Switzerland (here’s one of my favorite images from that time). I kept a journal, but … Continue reading
Forgetting My Passport
A huge pit formed at the very bottom of my stomach. A hot flash of embarrassment started at my chin, ducked below my eyes, and lurched forward onto my forehead, spilling down my cheeks. These physical reactions usually accompany the … Continue reading
NYC: Parisians’ Delight
I’m always curious to know what fellow Parisians think of their visits to my beloved United States. Often they have been to America, and usually, they have been to New York. Now, when most people tell me they’ve visited New … Continue reading
Lifestyle Design: My Own Case Study
The Four Hour Work Week has been out for many years now and in fact, the author, Tim Ferriss, has gone on to author the Four Hour Body, Four Hour Chef, etc. Of course “four hour” is not literal. It’s … Continue reading
Three Big Changes (A Month In to My Life in France)
This particular move features three major changes for me: a different country, a different language, and a different environment. I’ll start with the last one first. The City I was born into one of the densest cities in the modern … Continue reading