I saw her place the green and white paper on top of my file. It was the paper used to print a récipissé (the temporary document one uses for identification while waiting to get a permanent identity card). Externally I … Continue reading
lifestyle design
Picard: a Dirty Little Secret of the French
So before we arrive in La France, we non-French perhaps imagine that all French people have an advanced knowledge of wines and cheeses, and while we don’t expect the full Julia Child/Jacques Pepin experience, we expect that most native French … Continue reading
Unexpected Consequences of an International Move: Instant & Ongoing Decluttering
I’ve mentioned before on this blog that the Four Hour Work Week is a major influence on my life and was a big part of the “how” portion of the massive quality of life upgrade that was my move from … Continue reading
You Can(‘t) Go Home Again
“What do you miss the most?” My friends smile, anticipating a favorite dish, a favorite place, or a particular time of year. “Well, you guys, of course,” I say quickly, hoping to deflect the question from my true answer: “Nothing.” … Continue reading
I Live in a Different Paris Than You Do…
“And you know, Paris is all metro and work and the run-around.” He used the famous idiom “Metro-boulot-dodo” which is a colloquialism that is literally “subway-work-sleep” that indicates the grind of life for many in the City of Light. We … Continue reading
Lifestyle Design: My Own Case Study
The Four Hour Work Week has been out for many years now and in fact, the author, Tim Ferriss, has gone on to author the Four Hour Body, Four Hour Chef, etc. Of course “four hour” is not literal. It’s … Continue reading
Begin at the Beginning
So when people first find out I’m moving to Paris, there are usually looks and sounds of astonishment. And it’s only now, when I’m about 60 days out from beginning my journey, that I truly understand that astonishment, because I’ve … Continue reading