When I lived in the United States I unfailingly used the (now defunct) Hipmunk to search for flights. They use an “agony index” which scores layovers, price, etc. to give you the best option for your journey, not necessarily just … Continue reading
European Life and Travel
Starbucks in Europe
Americans take it for granted that they can sit in most coffee shops or Panera-like establishments and work for hours, after buying one token item of food or drink. If the place is busy enough or you don’t plan to … Continue reading
Forgetting My Passport
A huge pit formed at the very bottom of my stomach. A hot flash of embarrassment started at my chin, ducked below my eyes, and lurched forward onto my forehead, spilling down my cheeks. These physical reactions usually accompany the … Continue reading
The Power of Old Churches
“Wow, it sounds like you’re really into churches.” My companion was to my right. Corsica was outside our window and below, to our left. He was a Spaniard and we were both headed to Romania that weekend. I, for a … Continue reading